eXtended is an infinite-lookahead compiler-compiler for context
dependent grammars developed during and after the ESPRIT II REDO
project. The generated code is ANSIC. Specification scripts are
in very extended BNF
with inherited and synthetic attributes allowed. Scripts can be compiled
in separate modules, and linked together later. Meta-production rules are
allowed. The technology is essentially LL()
with optimizations. A converter for yacc
scripts is available.
versions of PRECCX
are available for UNIX
in gzip (compressed) tar
format and also for use on a PC
under DOS as several
zip format files. These are some of the historical archives
UNIX version available as a single "gzipped" tar format
A PREttier Compiler-Compiler: higher order programming
in C, Peter Breuer. In Proc. TOULOUSE 92: Fifth International Conference
on Software Engineering and its Applications, Toulouse, France, 7-11
December 1992. Available from EC2, 269/287 rue de la Garenne, 92024 Nanterre
Cedex, France.
Razor: The Cutting Edge of Parser Technology, Jonathan Bowen and
Peter Breuer. In Proc. TOULOUSE 92: Fifth International Conference on
Software Engineering and its Applications, Toulouse, France, 7-11 December
1992. Available from EC2, 269/287 rue de la Garenne, 92024 Nanterre Cedex,
PRECC Compiler-Compiler, Peter Breuer and Jonathan Bowen. In Elwyn
Davies and Andrew Findlay (eds.), Proc. UKUUG/SUKUG Joint New Year 1993
Conference, Oxford, UK, 6-8 January 1993. UKUUG/SUKUG Secretariat,
Owles Hall, Buntingford, Herts SG9 9PL, UK, pp 167-182, 1993.